
IR423-D4-2 A-Isometer

Isolation monitoring device for IT systems

Product description

The ISOMETER IR423 monitors the insulation resistance RF of an unearthed AC system from 0...300 V to earth, which is supplied by a mobile power generator in accordance with DIN VDE 0100-551 (VDE 0100-551). The IR423 is suitable for AC systems with operating frequencies ≥ 30 Hz and DC components. The permissible mains leakage capacitance Cemax is 5 μF.

Functions and features:

- Insulation monitoring for mobile power generators AC 0...300 V

- Protective separation with insulation monitoring and disconnection

- W version for increased mechanical stress

- Two separately adjustable response values

- Mains/earth connection monitoring

- Operating LED, alarm LEDs: alarm 1, alarm 2

- Internal/external test/reset button

- Two separate alarm relays (one changeover contact each)

- Working/quiescent current selectable

- Fault memory selectable

- Self-monitoring with automatic message

- Multifunctional LC display

- Adjustable response delay

- 2-module housing (36 mm)

- Spring terminal (two terminals per connection)

Technical features:

- Rated mains voltage: AC 30...460Hz 0...300V

- Rated voltage: 250 V

- Supply voltage: DC/AC 30...460Hz 70...300V

- Response value: 10...200 KOhm

- 2 potential-free alarm relays

- Two alarm LEDs


- IEC 60364-7-717, DIN VDE 0100-717 (2005) Electrical installations on vehicles or in transportable units

- DIN VDE 0100-551 (VDE 0100-551), IEC 60364-5-551 Low-voltage power generation systems (mobile generators)

- GW 308 "Mobile power generators for pipeline construction sites 8/00" (DVGW)

- BGI 867 Selection and operation of backup generators on construction and assembly sites

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