
IR155-3204 A-Isometer insulation monitoring device

for unearthed DC drive systems in electric vehicles

Product description

The ISOMETER IR155-3203 / IR155-3204 monitors the insulation resistance between the insulated, active HV conductors of an electric drive system (Un = DC 0...1000 V) and the test ground (vehicle ground > terminal 31). The patented measuring method monitors the insulation resistance on the DC voltage and AC voltage side of an electric drive system. Existing insulation faults are reliably reported, even in the case of high interference influences that can be caused by motor control processes (acceleration, energy recovery, etc.).

Main features:

- Insulation monitoring device for unearthed DC drive systems (IT systems) in electric vehicles

- Continuous measurement of insulation resistance 0...10 MΩ, response values preconfigured ex works

- AC and DC IT systems up to 0...1000 V

- Short-circuit-proof driver outputs for fault detection and PWM-coded iso measurement value

- Power supply suitable for 12 V and 24 V systems

Features and functions:

- Suitable for 12 V and 24 V systems

- Automatic device self-test

- Continuous measurement of the insulation resistance 0...10 MΩ

- Response time < 2 s after switching on for the first insulation status determined (SST)

- Response time < 20 s for measured insulation resistance (DCP)

- Automatic adaptation to the existing system leakage capacitance (≤1 μF)

- Detection of earth faults and interruption of the earth connection

- Insulation monitoring of AC and DC insulation faults for unearthed systems (IT systems) 0...1000 V

- Undervoltage detection for voltages below 500 V (factory-set by Bender)

- Short-circuit-proof outputs for:

- Fault detection (high-side output)

- Measured value (PWM 5...95 %) and status (f = 10...50 Hz) with high-side or inverted low-side driver (MHS/MLS output)

- Protective coating (SL 1301ECO-FLZ)

Ordering data:

- Fixed preset parameters

- Ran: 100 kΩ

- Undervoltage detection: 0 V (inactive)

- Fave: 10

- Measured value output high-side


Monitoring for unearthed DC drive systems (IT systems) in electric vehicles

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