
HT309 LED Luxmeter mit Pupil Lumen Messung

Zur Lichtmessung von LEDs
Normen Lux-Messgerät: Klasse A, JIS C 1609:1993
ENo. 980622509

Product description

Simple luxmeters are not very suitable for measuring the brightness of a light source as perceived by the human eye due to the lack of appropriate filters. They are designed to set the correct exposure for cameras, for example - a communication from electronics to electronics or to mechanics.

For measuring light sources in the visible range between 380 and 780 nm and the brightness at workplaces, far more complex luxmeters are required, which have a built-in filter that takes into account the brightness perception of the human eye (pupil lumen measurement).

The HT309 complies with the IES requirements for measuring the brightness of all light sources emitting visible light. This makes it easy to measure and compare the perceived brightness of different light sources such as LED lamps, incandescent lamps, fluorescent lamps, HQI, HQL or other light sources.

This HT309 luxmeter is a must for anyone who wants to measure and compare the correct brightness of light sources (e.g. at the workplace, in the warehouse or department store, in the office or even at home). The HT309 offers 10 user-adjustable correction factors (for the LED types), 99 memory locations, peak hold function and automatic switch-off after approx. 5 minutes

The sensor of the HT309 is connected to the instrument via a connecting cable and is freely movable for precise measurement of light intensity in a variety of applications.

Technical features:

- Measuring range 0.01 ÷ 400 kLux

- Resolution 0.01 lux ÷100 lux

- Accuracy ±3 % deviation

- Luminous intensity (Cd), luminous intensity LED

- Silicon photodiode sensor

- Spectral correction, Internal memory (99)


- Display: LCD, 5 digits, 2000 dots

- Dimensions (L x W x H): 130 x 55 x 88 mm

- Weight: 170 g

ENo. 980 622 509

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