Janitza & Optec

Janitza & Optec

Janitza energy measurement technology. Made in Germany.

Optec and Janitza a partnership since day one

A chance encounter on the ski lift in Laax laid the foundation for Optec and a long-standing partnership. Since 2000, we have been helping companies in Switzerland to keep an eye on their energy consumption with Janitza products. This helps to reduce costs and increase efficiency. Energy management is not only important for the environment and society, but also a decisive competitive factor.

Janitza not only offers measuring devices and software, but also the corresponding service - a complete solution that ensures efficient energy management. This includes energy measurement technology, class A power quality analyzers in accordance with the EN 50160 standard, energy management systems, digital panel meters, mobile power quality analyzers and load management controllers.

We have a lot in common

Omar Seijo & Dominic Locher
Omar Seijo & Dominic Locher

Facts and figures

Janitza employs more than 500 people.
Foundation & further development

1961 - Founding year of Eugen Janitza GmbH

1986 - Foundation of Janitza electronics GmbH by Eugen and Markus Janitza

1988 - Continuous expansion of production in Lahnau

2005 - Modernization and expansion of the Production facility

2006 - Introduction of lead-free technology (RoHS-compliant)

2012 - Expansion of the production capacities

2015 - Construction of a new modern office building

2017 - Commissioning of the new SMD production line

2018 - Janitza is equipped with Germany's most modern THT production line in Germany

2020 - Rudolf Müller is appointed second managing director appointed

2020 - Move into the new modern development center incl. EMC laboratory at the Lahnau headquarters

2021 - Opening of the new in-house canteen

2022 - Site expansion in Wetzlar

2022 - Completion of an advanced logistics center Logistics center

2022 - Commissioning of a new new, state-of-the-art SMT production line

2024 - Alexander Veidt is appointed Commercial Managing Managing Director and takes over the "Central Services" division


Janitza International GmbH | Branch office Austria

Janitza electronics GmbH | UK and Ireland branch

Janitza LP | Subsidiary in the USA

Please note: The development and production Janitza energy measurement technology is developed and produced exclusively at the headquarters in Lahnau (Germany) - Made in Germany.

Awards and distinctions

Certification according to ISO 9001:2015

Certification according to ISO 50001:2018

Certification according to ISO 27001:2017

Certification from Climate Partner as a climate-neutral company

Ask us

Would you like more information about Janitza's solutions and products? Do not hesitate to contact us. We are always available for advice and will be happy to answer all your questions.

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