Optec - Energiemonitoring

Energy monitoring

Practical example - Hochgebirgsklinik Davos

The history of the Hochgebirgsklinik Davos dates back to 1898. Today, the Hochgebirgsklinik is a modern rehabilitation clinic for allergies and respiratory diseases. In order to keep up with the times, ongoing investment in new buildings and infrastructure is necessary. It is precisely with these innovations that the demand for energy also increases. The question of where the energy comes from and where it goes is just as central as the question of how we can get the high energy costs under control

Our solution

Looking ahead, with the planning of a new kitchen and lingerie in the next few years, they wanted to include a load optimization system in the project phase. Andreas Muffler explained to Real Estate Immobilien AG that an energy concept is required before optimization can take place. Because only if you know the energy flow can you track down the energy culprits. Exactly these must be known in order to realize an optimization.

Click here to find out what the UMG 605-PRO can be used for.

What are the benefits for the customer?

Optec's energy monitoring was implemented in autumn 2019. All buildings are now equipped with a UMG 604-PRO energy meter. The universal measuring device records the data of all buildings and sensitive consumers. The data is collected and analyzed by Optec on a monthly basis. This allows a history to be built up. Future projects will benefit from this. This is because the energy data is already known in the planning phase and the findings can be incorporated directly.

We will be happy to advise you on your project

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