Optec - Energiemanagement

Precise measurements at the touch of a button

Practical example - IWB - energy supplier

IWB is the company for energy, water and telecommunications. It supplies its customers in the Basel region and beyond. IWB is a leading service provider for renewable energy and energy efficiency. The company strives for full renewable energy supply, which enables the efficient, environmentally friendly and economical use of energy. IWB already produces more renewable electricity in its own plants than customers in Basel consume.

The entire energy sector is changing - and so is IWB. The energy supplier wants to develop from an infrastructure company into a provider of smart, integrated energy solutions. IWB sees the major changes in the energy sector as an opportunity to create added value for its customers in the areas of efficiency, ecology and intelligent energy solutions.

Energy companies are legally obliged to carry out regular load checks - as is IWB. Outdated measuring devices made these surveys extremely difficult, meaning that load monitoring could only be carried out every two years. We have solved the problem with new measuring devices and options.

Our solution

IWB is the company for energy, water and telecommunications. It supplies its customers in the Basel region and beyond. IWB is a leading service provider for renewable energy and energy efficiency. The company strives for full renewable energy supply, which enables the efficient, environmentally friendly and economical use of energy. IWB already produces more renewable electricity in its own plants than customers in Basel consume.

The entire energy sector is changing - and so is IWB. The energy supplier wants to develop from an infrastructure company into a provider of smart, integrated energy solutions. IWB sees the major changes in the energy sector as an opportunity to create added value for its customers in the areas of efficiency, ecology and intelligent energy solutions.

Energy companies are legally obliged to carry out regular load checks - as is IWB. Outdated measuring devices made these surveys extremely difficult, meaning that load monitoring could only be carried out every two years. We have solved the problem with new measuring devices and options.

Find out more about the mobile measuring case

What are the benefits for the customer?

Twenty MRG cases equipped with high-quality measuring devices and accessories are now available to trained personnel. All mobile measurements and evaluations can be carried out easily at any time. IWB employees can rely on accurate measurements and devote themselves to their daily challenges.

We will be happy to advise you on your project

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