Safety in the medical field

Safety in the medical field

We make sure of it!

Even a brief power failure can endanger the patient's health

The basic prerequisite for smooth and economical operation in medical areas is a Areas is a safe, reliable and efficient power supply. The top priority is the protection of the patient and the focus on their recovery. After all, even a brief power outage can Jeopardize a patient's health.

Risk analysis and room groups

A risk assessment for the respective rooms used for medical purposes is necessary in order to evaluate the correct type of net, the correct protection criteria and the resulting activities.

The following checklist provides guidance for the selection and classification of rooms used for medical purposes. It is not intended to be exhaustive:

  • What diagnostic or therapeutic procedures are carried out on patients?
  • Can procedures be repeated at any time or interrupted for a certain period of time?
  • What is the risk to the patient if the power supply is interrupted?
  • Are electrical medical devices in use and are they used for life-sustaining measures?
  • How do medical electrical devices behave in the event of a power failure lasting 15 seconds?
  • What are the requirements for room and operating theater lighting?
  • Is the patient's skin resistance broken during interventions and/or treatments?

An aid for room group assignment:

This applies to the specialist planner, installer and operator:

  • To strive for the best possible protection for patients and staff.
  • Establish and ensure a reliable and safe power supply.
  • Observe and apply all relevant standards, regulations and laws. Low-voltage installation standard NIN 2020, DIN VDE 0100-710 (VDE 0100-710):2021-10)
  • Ensure the long-term safety and reliability of the property through regular and reliable maintenance and servicing.

The medical IT system

The heart of the safe power supply in the Group 2 rooms

The isolated system essentially provides the following benefits:

  • No failure of the power supply or electrical medical devices at the first fault
  • Patient safety due to very low touch voltages (≤10 mV at the first fault)
  • Audible and visual alarms ensure high system availability
  • Information advantage thanks to early detection of impending insulation faults.

Source: Bender GmBH & Co. KG

What is the benefit?

Optec AG Spitaltechnik provides a comprehensive and and proven system to realize any task for a safe and reliable power supply in medical and reliable power supply in medical areas:

  • Standard-compliant monitoring, control and monitoring of the
    General power supply (AV)

    Safety power supply (SV)

    Additional safety power supply (ZSV)

  • Setting up and monitoring medical IT systems in accordance the required standards
  • For technical or medical personnel, user-friendly information with clear Information with clear instructions
  • Intelligent networking with information and communication Communication technology, whether centralized on site or decentralized with the Building management system.
  • Comprehensive service and support throughout the entire Life cycle of the system

We are happy to advise you on your project

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