Optec - Kostenreduktion Industrie

Cost reduction in the industry

Knowing how much energy is needed

The traditional industrial company based in the Swiss Rhine Valley develops, manufactures and distributes precision steel tubes and steel systems. Precision and shaped steel tubes for the automotive and furniture industries as well as system solutions for windows, doors and façades made of steel and stainless steel complete the product range.

High-quality products also require high-tech machines and systems. Forming machines or draw benches are needed to produce such dimensions of a façade or window front. This requires energy, a lot of energy! And this amount of energy must be known. In such industrial companies, which have several transformer stations, the price of energy is of enormous importance.
If the energy requirement increases only slightly or the energy price rises, this immediately results in a cost increase of several tens of thousands of francs.

For this reason, it is all the more important to know and monitor energy consumption.

Our solution

In a company that produces just in time, it is not possible to intervene in processes in order to optimize them. But the energy can be made visible. It can be shown how much energy flows in which hall and where, and better framework conditions can be created so that the company can utilize its technical equipment to its full capacity. That's exactly what we did.

Thanks to the energy measurement devices from Optec, the customer has been in control for years. The UMGs are installed in every transformer station, in every transformer and in every new machine. Over time, a meaningful energy recording system has been developed.

Part of an energy management system is the ability to measure each individual machine in order to expose the power guzzlers. This is a continuous process and each new system is immediately supplemented with a measuring device. UMG multi-measurement devices with Ethernet transmission supply the energy data from all corners of the plant and transfer it to a central control system called MSRL. This is where all processes come together: Electricity, gas, compressed air, heating, cooling, etc.

What is reactive energy?

Reactive energy is also of great importance for the individual halls or machines.

What is reactive energy?
A simple illustration shows what it is all about.
Reactive energy is an energy that only burdens the operation, but still generates costs.

It is therefore all the more important that we compensate for this "foam", which is of no use to us. A compensation system is used for this purpose. This system feeds energy back into the grid and thus relieves the strain on the lines and your wallet. Only a well-adjusted, reliable and, above all, well-maintained system will provide added value over the years. As a rule, such systems are amortized within two to three years and then reduce the customer's energy bill without reactive energy consumption.

All the system controls in this plant are from Optec AG. In total, far more than 2000 kvar are installed.

What are the benefits for the customer?

With this control of energy consumption and the recovery of reactive energy, the customer has the energy flow and costs under control.

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