Detect errors at an early stage - ensure safety

Detect errors at an early stage - ensure safety

Practical example - Theaterhaus Gessnerallee Zurich
The Theaterhaus Gessnerallee Zurich is located in the heart of Zurich's Kreis 1 district. The principle of its creation, to see culture not as a luxury but as an investment in society, has not changed since it was established over 20 years ago. Gessnerallee Zurich has become an indispensable part of Zurich's cultural offering. Not only that, it is one of the most important venues for productions and presentations of the performing arts in Switzerland and internationally.

Lighting is a central element, especially for stage shows. At the Gessnerallee Zurich, this lighting was problematic. There was a constant threat of outages during the shows. This posed a risk of injury to the artists. Troubleshooting to identify the cause of the power failure in such installations is very challenging and time-consuming.

This problem was to be solved in a conversion building with appropriate renovation measures and the electrical installation was to be brought up to the latest state of the art.

Our solution

The lighting should function perfectly, errors should be reported at an early stage and, above all, the safety of the artists must be guaranteed. We are happy to take on these challenges in particular.

A detailed on-site analysis quickly revealed the measures required to achieve the objectives. By using two RCMS460 residual current monitoring systems in combination with fifteen W60/W120 measuring current transformers, we were able to meet the customer's requirements. These residual current monitoring devices use the associated measuring current transformers to record and evaluate the residual currents occurring in earthed power supplies. Thanks to the advanced alarm system of the residual current devices, the employee is shown quickly and clearly on the display where the fault is located. This can be localized and rectified directly. The alarm is also forwarded to the in-house alarm system.

To the residual current monitoring devices

What are the benefits for our customer?

Gessnerallee Zurich will be able to enjoy performances on stage with peace of mind in future. Thanks to the combination of residual current monitoring devices and current transformers, the lighting is guaranteed. Faults are detected and reported at an early stage. Periodic checks are no longer necessary and the artists on stage are no longer suddenly left in the dark.

We will be happy to advise you on your project

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