Safety for people and buildings

Safety for people and buildings

Practical example - Zurich Opera House

The "Actien-Theater", now known as the Opera House, was the first standing theater in the city of Zurich when it opened in 1834 with Mozart's "Magic Flute".

A visit to the opera has always been something wonderful and very moving. As an audience member, you are immersed in a different world and are captivated with all your senses as soon as you enter the building. Many helpers are needed to ensure that this unique magic is transferred to the visitors. These include singers, orchestras, choirs, conductors, extras, costumes, decorations, technology and many more. What is the connection between Optec and Zurich Opera House?

At the beginning of our collaboration, Zurich Opera House wanted to record all energy data and thus analyze consumption throughout the building. Over time, other needs were added. For example, performances should take place without incidents. The focus here was particularly on the lighting.

Our solution

The brief was clear. To record and analyze all energy data and ensure safety for people and buildings. We were happy to take on these tasks.

Universal measuring devices from Janitza were used to collect all the energy data. The main distribution board of the opera house was equipped with so-called power quality devices - UMG 509-PRO. Further UMG 103-CBM devices were added to measure the individual outgoing circuits. With the help of a screen installed in the door of the main distribution board, all power outlets can now be monitored.

Residual current monitoring devices were used to ensure everyone's safety. These are used to detect faults in the installation at an early stage. They measure all active conductors and detect fault and leakage currents.

The GridVis® software was used to support the analysis of the energy data and residual current monitoring. The integrated alarm management system detects faults at an early stage and informs those responsible immediately.

To the residual current monitoring devices

What are the benefits for our customer?

Zurich Opera House has been able to reduce its energy consumption and therefore its costs. Safety for people and buildings is guaranteed and nothing stands in the way of a successful performance.

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