3 questions - 3 answers

3 questions - 3 answers

With Andreas Muffler

Advantages of a ZEV

A ZEV not only promotes the sustainable use of resources, but also strengthens the community by enabling an environmentally friendly and cost-efficient energy supply.

Andreas, what is a ZEV?

Explained briefly and simply

Andreas, you founded Optec over 20 years ago and made a major contribution to the energy transition in Switzerland. In recent years, many owners have invested in PV systems with the aim of becoming more independent and making their contribution to a cleaner environment. The ZEV is particularly useful for multi-family houses in connection with PV, can you briefly explain what it is all about?

A self-consumption association (ZEV) is an innovative and sustainable energy supply solution in which several parties share their self-produced solar power. In a ZEV, the investor of the solar system and the end consumers enter into a contractual agreement to make the best possible use of the benefits of solar energy.

End users can be both condominium owners and tenants, which makes this solution particularly flexible and attractive for different forms of housing and use. By sharing the solar power generated, everyone involved benefits from lower energy costs and increased energy independence.

What do I have to consider and how does a ZEV work?

There are a few important points to bear in mind when joining forces for self-consumption (ZEV):

  1. Grid connection and role as a legal entity: The ZEV shares a connection to the public energy grid and acts as a legal entity vis-à-vis the local energy supplier. This means that the ZEV is responsible for purchasing additional electricity and feeding surplus solar power into the grid if required.

  2. Electricity purchase by end consumers: End consumers in the ZEV no longer purchase their electricity directly from the energy supplier, but from the ZEV itself. This is measured by their own private meters within the ZEV.

  3. Metering and billing: ZEV is responsible for metering and billing the electricity consumption of individual end consumers. To this end, private meters accurately measure and record individual electricity consumption.

  4. Billing management: The billing of electricity consumption can be carried out by different parties, an administration, a trustee or an owner. It is important that these tasks are clearly regulated and carried out transparently in order to ensure smooth and fair processing.

What is the goal, or in other words, when will it be used?

A (ZEV) is particularly effective under the following conditions:

  • Large roof with few superstructures: A ZEV is ideal if a large roof is available that is ideally suited for the installation of a photovoltaic system (PV system).
  • Existingphotovoltaic system: If you already have a PV system without KEV approval (cost-covering feed-in remuneration), a ZEV is a good option.
  • High electricity consumption: High electricity consumption, especially during the day, makes the use of a ZEV particularly efficient and economical.
  • High electricity price: If the electricity prices in the local community are high, a ZEV can bring significant cost savings.
  • High redelivery tariff: An attractive redelivery tariff from the energy supplier for surplus solar power increases the financial benefits of a ZEV.
The aim of a ZEV is to maximize the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of solar power use, reduce energy costs and protect the environment by promoting renewable energies. Through the shared use and distribution of self-generated solar power, everyone involved benefits from a more sustainable and cost-effective energy supply.

Thank you Andreas for answering the questions.

If you would like to find out more about this topic, please contact us directly. We look forward to hearing from you.

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