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Avoid downtime.

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Avoiding downtime in hospitals and clinics with the new CP9

In addition to in addition to the task of providing medical care, hospitals and clinics must increasingly concerned with the technical aspects of security. In this area in particular Requirements are increasing in this area and medical staff in particular are challenged. Downtimes must be avoided, resources used more efficiently, achieve more with less, increase profitability and do so without compromising Without compromising on safety - these are the challenges that hospitals and clinics have to face and clinics have to face.

During the pandemic, it was found that medical staff in the intensive care sector in particular need a lot of information and that this should be visible at a glance. In hospitals and private clinics, where the operating room is the main focus, it is also essential to support medical staff with all the important information they need in their daily work. The CP924-E control and information system helps with this. For example, if an error occurs, the CP924-E control panel provides clear and comprehensible instructions on what to do. The medical staff can implement the specified steps and rectify the fault immediately. Work processes are simplified and patient safety is ensured at the same time.

The most important information and functions for the OR:

In the The same signaling functions and device controls are often used in the operating room are often needed. Bender has therefore developed a solution that meets these requirements requirements.

The new control panel displays all the information and controls required in an operating theater. It is not only used by medical staff for monitoring and control, but also shows what maintenance work is due and alerts them to any problems of the isolated electronic system. Another plus point is the large Touchscreen, it is designed in such a way that it can be easily cleaned and Disinfection is possible at any time.

The most important features of the Control Panel include

  • Clock with automatic time changeover (summer/winter).
  • Stopwatch
  • Countdown
  • Insulation monitoring
  • Control of the room temperature
  • Control of of air humidity
  • Control and regulation of ambient lighting
  • Light group 1 and 2 on/off
  • Operating light on/off
  • Monitoring of the medical gases
  • UPS monitoring
  • Cleaning mode
  • Alarm bar

All these functions and features have been combined in a compact device that is easy to install. Complex programming is not necessary as it has many has many customization options. The CP924-E combines all the important Functions for the operating theater in one device and therefore impresses with its Simplicity.

If More information about the control panel or would like to know more about the possibilities hospital technology, please contact Benjamin Bühler.

We will be happy to advise you on your project

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