Optec - Sicherheit für elektrische Betriebsmittel

Safety for electrical equipment


The safety of patients and staff is the top priority in all areas used for medical purposes. To ensure this, all electrical equipment in hospitals, retirement homes and industries must be tested regularly. Our solution - UNIMET® from Bender

"It is important to me that I not only receive competent advice, but also reliable after-sales support. Optec fulfills both for me."

André Baruffol - Technical Manager - Polymed Medical Center

UNIMET®300ST - The bed safety tester and UNIMET®400ST - The lightweight for mobile use

UNIMET® 300ST/400ST are intelligent and practical. They are ideal for the safe testing of electrical equipment, hospital and care beds and medical electrical devices without patient connections.

  • Data input via keyboard or barcode scanner
  • Compatible with common application programs, e.g. wave Facilities from Loy & Hutz; MT Data; Fundamed (Elektromanager Mebedo)

UNIMET®810ST - The service safety tester

The only safety tester that stores the "first measured value" in accordance with the standard so that it can be used as a reference value for subsequent comparisons. UNIMET® 810ST allows you to design all tests yourself. Device log history (device book) in its own supplied PC software.

  • Easy operation and handling thanks to Windows interface
  • Data exchange and storage via Control Center
  • Automatic, semi-automatic or manual test sequence
  • Data input via touchscreen, keyboard or barcode
  • Test probe with two switching contacts - for semi-automatic testing of parts not connected to PE
  • Compatible with common application programs, e.g. wave Facilities from Loy & Hutz; MT Data; Fundamed (Elektromanager Mebedo)

Device series - your advantages at a glance

UNIMET® 300ST The bed safety tester

  • Standards for DGUV regulation 3 and bed testing - easy operation and handling
  • 600 data records can be saved
  • Catalog systems
  • Classification aid
  • Integrated type query
  • Warm-up and cold run phase for e.g. PC
  • Data input also via keyboard or barcode scanner
  • Functional accessories
  • UNIData 300 data storage software
  • 36-month guarantee
  • 36 months calibration interval

UNIMET® 400ST The lightweight for mobile use

  • Standards for service providers
  • Easy operation and handling
  • 600 data records can be stored
  • Catalog systems - classification aid
  • One 4 mm socket for testing patient application parts
  • Integrated type query - warm and cold run phase for e.g. PC
  • Data input also via keyboard or barcode scanner
  • Functional accessories
  • UNIData 300 data storage software
  • 36-month guarantee
  • 36 months calibration interval

UNIMET® 610ST The safety tester for testing electrical machines and equipment

  • All standards for testing DGUV regulation 3 devices and electrical machines
  • Recording of the first measured value
  • 10000 data records can be stored
  • Catalog systems
  • Classification aid
  • Multi-client capability
  • Device book function
  • Test date update
  • Report generation as PDF directly in the device
  • Warm-up and cold-running phase for e.g. PC
  • Data input also via keyboard or barcode scanner
  • Test probe with integrated switching contact (optional)
  • Functional accessories
  • Data exchange and storage via Control Center
  • 36-month guarantee
  • 36 months calibration interval

UNIMET® 810ST The service safety tester

  • All standards for the service provider
  • Recording of the first measured value
  • 10000 data records can be stored
  • Catalog systems
  • Classification aid
  • Multi-client capable
  • Device book function
  • Test date update
  • Report generation as PDF directly in the device
  • Warm-up and cold-running phase for e.g. PC
  • Data input also via keyboard or barcode scanner
  • Test probe with integrated switching contact (optional)
  • Functional accessories
  • Data exchange and storage via Control Center
  • 36-month guarantee
  • 36 months calibration interval

UNIMET® 810ST - 25 A version The safety tester for medical device manufacturers

  • All standards for the service provider
  • Only standard-compliant 25A version on the market
  • Recording of the first measured value
  • 10000 data records can be stored
  • Catalog systems
  • Classification aid
  • Multi-client capable
  • Device book function
  • Test date update
  • Report generation as PDF directly in the device
  • Warm-up and cold-running phase for e.g. PC
  • Data input also via keyboard or barcode scanner
  • Test probe with integrated switching contact (optional)
  • Functional accessories
  • Data exchange and storage via Control Center
  • 36-month guarantee
  • 36 months calibration interval

"In our daily work, my team and I have to be able to rely on reliable measurement results. That's why we use UNIMET®810ST. Measurement results can be automated and standard-compliant testing is guaranteed."

Reto Studer - Service Manager - Schiller Reomed AG

We will be happy to advise you on your project

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