Practical example

Practical example


Safety technical control (STK) of dental medical products

As the leading dental service provider in Switzerland, KALADENT offers a comprehensive and seamless range of products and services.
With a total of six locations and a flexible team of consultants and technicians, KALADENT is able to serve discerning dentists throughout Switzerland with a high level of expertise.

Standard-compliant measurements and electrical safety are the top priority for the Kaladent service department. This ensures that the practice infrastructure can always be used by dentists without restriction and that staff can concentrate fully on treating patients.
KALADENT also sees its responsibility in entrepreneurial thinking and action. For this reason, not only regulatory guidelines are important, but suitable tools must also be available to the technology department.

Our solution

Our safety tester has proven itself for assessing electrical safety before commissioning, during servicing, inspection, maintenance and after repairs or during repeat tests of dental-medical products.

The UNIMET®810ST safety tester fulfills all the required measuring and testing functions for checking the effectiveness of protective measures for medical devices and systems. In medical technology, the tests according to standards SN EN 62353 & 60601 apply.

The main contents of SN EN 62353 & 60601 are:

  • Scope of application
  • Definition of terms
  • Visual inspection
  • Measurement of the protective conductor resistance
  • Measurement of leakage currents
  • Functional tests
  • Documentation of the measured value
  • Test intervals

What is the benefit for our customer?

The technical service is equipped with high-quality measuring devices and accessories. All measurements and evaluations can be carried out easily at any time. KALADENT service technicians can rely on accurate and standard-compliant measured values and ensure a safe patient environment in dental practices throughout Switzerland.

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UNIMET® 810ST allows easy implementation of the applicable standards.

With this test device, you can easily create your own test sequences according to the manufacturer's specifications.

We will be happy to advise you on your project

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