rhia energy

rhia energy

A reliable partner for sustainable and regional energy supply

The AG Elektrizitätswerk Trins was founded in 1906 by the municipalities of Bonaduz, Felsberg, Rhäzüns, Tamins and Trins and renamed "rhiienergie" in 2009. Today rhiienergie supplies around 9,000 regional customers and supplies various companies throughout various companies throughout Switzerland. Over 80% of customers purchase green electricity. The Rhiienergie's vision is for customers to be able to produce some or all of their electricity or completely independently in the future.

For Years, the company has been committed to future-oriented energy efficiency renewable energies and security of supply. As an experienced Solar professional, rhiienergie supports its customers in producing clean electricity themselves themselves. With innovative offers, the company enables every Property owners to produce and use their own solar power, including financing, monitoring of the system and optional Energy storage. Rhiienergie is a responsible energy supply company with strong regional roots with strong regional roots and a sustainable focus.


Mr. Wyss, what challenge did you want to solve? The main objectives of the project?

R. Wyss: As the requirements on the grid have changed significantly with new energy sources and new challenges, it is no longer sufficient to evaluate the loads in the transformer stations once a year. For this reason, we have decided to transmit live values directly to GridVis and visualize them in the dashboard. With this live measurement data, we can now identify problems in the grid more quickly and take the necessary measures. In addition, the capacity limit of the individual transformer stations is visible at all times for switching operations and when we carry out grid switching, the redistribution of loads is made directly visible. This gives us an overview of our grid utilization at all times.

What specific requirements did you have for the project?

R. Wyss: We had clear ideas:

  • A transparent display of network loads at all times.
  • An intuitive and simple system that enables independent operation and maintenance without having to rely on an integrator.
  • Easy implementation of changes to the system.
  • Easy integration of new devices.
  • Availability of a support team in the background that is always available for questions and support.

Our approach to a successful solution

rhiienergie is a long-standing customer of Optec AG and has gone through three generations of measuring devices with us. In the past, technicians had to visit the transformer stations to read the UMG 503 and 505 with a notebook. Today, the ultra-fast fiber optic network makes remote reading possible. Numerous UMG 507s with a network connection were installed for this purpose, and numerous retrofits with the UMG 96PQ-L Ethernet were carried out in 2024.

What have we actually implemented?

All devices were integrated via the IT network on the fiber optic ring. The data is now collated centrally on a separate energy monitoring computer in our GridVis software.

Which products did we use and for what purpose?

The UMG 507 and UMG 96PQ-L were used in the external transformer stations. In 2021, we also supplied LS4 Compact electric charging stations for the new rhiienergie building, which are used to charge the company's municipal vehicles.

Ralph Wyss
Mr. Wyss, how satisfied were you with the project planning and implementation? Did our solution and implementation meet your expectations and requirements?

Everything worked perfectly. It was a pleasant and competent collaboration. And yes, we got the result we wanted. For technical and maintenance reasons, we had to do without certain things (back buten, image per TS, weather data, webgui from the measuring device) Nevertheless, we found an appropriate solution for us.
Ralph Wyss

Recognize problems in the network at an early stage - we will support you!

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